Book Büssing A (ed.) Spiritual Needs in Research and Practice. The Spiritual Needs Questionnaire as a Global Resource for Health and Social Care. Pelgrave McMillan (2021) |
Büssing A, Balzat HJ, Heusser P. Spirituelle Bedürfnisse von Patienten mit chronischen Schmerz- und Tumorerkrankungen. Perioperative Medizin 2009, 1, 248.
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Büssing A, Zhai Xiao-feng, Wenbo Peng, Changquan Ling: Psychosocial and spiritual needs of patients with chronic diseases: validation of the Chinese version of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire. Journal of Integrative Medicine 2013; 11(2):106-15.
Büssing A, Janko A, Baumann K, Hvidt NC, Kopf A: Spiritual Needs among Patients with Chronic Pain Diseases and Cancer Living in a Secular Society. Pain Medicine 2013; 14: 1362–1373
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Offenbaecher M, Kohls N, Toussaint LL, Sigl C, Winkelmann A, Hieblinger R, Walther A, Büssing A: Spiritual needs in patients suffering from fibromyalgia. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2013; Article ID 178547, 13 pages
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Büssing A, Pilchowska I, Surzykiewicz J: Spiritual Needs of Polish patients with chronic diseases. Journal of Religion and Health 2015; 54(5): 1524-1542
Man-Ging CI, Öven Uslucan J, Fegg M, Frick E, Büssing A: Reporting Spiritual Needs of Older Adults Living in Bavarian Residential and Nursing Homes. Journal of Mental Health, Religion and Spirituality 2015; 18: 809-821
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Büssing A, Recchia DR: Spiritual and Non-spiritual Needs Among German Soldiers and their Relation to Stress Perception, PTDS Symptoms, and Life Satisfaction – Results from a Structural Equation Modeling Approach. Journal of Religion and Health, 2016; 55(3): 747-764; Online June 2015 (DOI 10.1007/s10943-015-0073-y)
Nejat N, Whitehead L, Crowe M: Exploratory Psychometric Properties of the Farsi and English Versions of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire (SpNQ). Religions 2016; 7, 84; doi:10.3390/rel7070084
Büssing A, Wassermann U, Hvidt NC, Längler A, Thiel M: Spiritual needs of mothers with sick new born or premature infants. Woman and Birth 2017 (online 24 August 2017)
Haußmann A, Schäffeler N, Hautzinger M, Weyel B, Eigentler T, Zipfel S, Teufel M: Religiöse/spirituelle Bedürfnisse und psychosoziale Belastung von Patienten mit malignem Melanom. Psychother Psych Med 2017 DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-101373
Glavas A, Jors K, Büssing A, Baumann K. Spiritual needs of PTSD patients in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina: A quantitative pilot study. Psychiatria Danubina 2017; 29: 282-290
Munirruzzaman M, Yuni Sapto Edi R, Prasetyo A. Gambaran Tingkat Kebutuhan Spiritual Pada Pasien Gagal Ginjal Kronik Yang Menjalani Hemodialisis Di Ruang Hemodialisa Rsud Cilacap [Description of Spiritual Needs Level In Chronic Kidney Failure Patients who Underwent Hemodialysis in the Hemodialisa Room of RSUD Cilacap]. Proceeding Management Communication in Health Team Collaboration of Giving High Alert for Patient Safety. STIKES Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Cilacap 2017; pp. 1-8 (ISBN 978-602-60725-1-1)
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Hatamipour K, Rassouli M, Yaghmaie F, Zendedel K, Alavi Majd H. Development and Psychometrics of a ‘Spiritual Needs Assessment Scale of Patients with Cancer’: A mixed exploratory study. International Journal of Cancer Management 2018; 11(1): 1-8. .
Büssing A, Recchia DR, Koenig HG, Baumann K, Frick E: Factor Structure of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire (SpNQ) in Persons with Chronic Diseases, Elderly and Healthy Individuals, Religions 2018; 9:13
Valente TCO, Cavalcanti APR, Büssing A, Costa Junior CP, Motta RN: Transcultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of Portuguese Version of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire (SpNQ) Among HIV Positive Patients in Brazil. Religions 2018, 9(4), 135; doi:10.3390/rel9040135
Kashif A, Kanwal Z: Translation, Cultural Adaptation of Spiritual Needs Questionnaire in Pakistan. Religions 2018; 9: 163; doi:10.3390/rel9050163
Moeini B, Zamanian H, Taheri-Kharameh Z, Ramezani T, Saati-Asr M, Hajrahimian M, Amini-Tehrani M: Translation and Psychometric Testing of the Persian Version of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire Among Elders With Chronic Diseases. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2018; 55: 94-100.
Hatamipour K, Rassouli M, Yaghmaie F, Zendedel K: Psychometric Properties of the Farsi Version of “Spiritual Needs Questionnaire” for Cancer Patients in Iran: A Methodological Study. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 2018; 19: 989-995
Himawan F, Anggorowati, Chasani S: Asesmen Kebutuhan Spiritual Pasien Penyakit Ginjal Kronik Yang Menjalani Hemodialisa Dengan Instrumen APSN dan SPNQ [Spiritual Needs Assessment in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Undergoing Hemodialysis Using Instruments APSN and SpNQ]. Journal of Holistic Nursing Science 2019; 6 (1): 1-12
Riklikienė O, Spirgienė L, Snieguolė Kaselienė S, Luneckaitė Z, Tomkevičiūtė J, Büssing A: Translation, cultural adaptation and clinical validation of the Lithuanian version of the Spiritual Needs questionnaire amon hospitalized cancer patients. Medicina 2019, 55, 738; doi:10.3390/medicina55110738
Riklikienė O, Tomkevičiūtė J, Spirgienė L, Valiulienė L, Büssing A: Spiritual needs and their association with indicators of quality of life among non-terminally ill cancer patients from Lithuania. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 2019; 44:101681. doi: 10.1016/j.ejon.2019.101681
Riklikiene O, Poskaite G, Vainoras A: Spiritual needs, prayer and cardiac function changes in healthy young women – the interconnection of spirituality with human physiology. Journal of Complexity in Health Sciences, 2019; 2: 77-86.
Zhao Y, Wang Y, Yao X, Jiang L, Hou M, Zhao Q: Reliability and validity of the Chinese version of spiritual needs questionnaire with 27 items (SpNQ-Ch-27) in cancer patients. Int J Nurs Sci. 2019;6(2):141-147. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnss.2019.03.010.
Frick E, Büssing A, Rodrigues Recchia D, Härtl K, Beivers A, Wapler C, Dodt C: Spirituelle Bedürfnisse von Patienten eines Notfallzentrums [Spiritual needs of patients in an emergency room]. Med Klin Intensivmed Notfmed. 2020. doi: 10.1007/s00063-020-00653-8. [Epub ahead of print]
Büssing A, Baumann K, Rentschler, Becker G; Stability of Cancer Patients/ Unmet Spiritual Needs and Spiritual Wellbeing in Palliative Care Units. Oncol Res Treat 2020; 43(suppl 1); 123; e-ISBN 978-3-318-06686-9
Büssing A, Büntzel J, Frick E: Spiritual Care in Oncology: Cancer Patients’ Unmet Spiritual – Data from a Pilot Project. Oncol Res Treat 2020; 43(suppl 1); 148; e-ISBN 978-3-318-06686-9
Büssing A, Baumann K, Rentschler J, Becker G: Spirituelle Bedürfnisse von Tumorpatienten verändern sich während der palliativmedizinischen Betreuung kaum. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Onkologie 2020; Online first:
Fradelos EC, Prapa P, Alikari V, Papathanasiou V, Lavdaniti M, Tzavella F, Platis Ch, Theofilou P: Investigation of the Psychometric Properties of the Greek Version of the Spiritual Needs Questionnaire (SpNQ). Hellenic Journal of Nursing 2020, 59(4): 360–368
Sastra L, Büssing A, Chen CH, Yen M, Lin ECL: Spiritual Needs and Influencing Factors of Indonesian Muslims With Cancer During Hospitalization. Journal of Transcultural Nursing 2021; 32
Büssing A: The Spiritual Needs Questionnaire in research and clinical application: A summary of findings. Journal of Religion & Health 2021; 60(5), 3732-3748;
Desmet D, Dezutter J, Vandenhoeck A, Dillen A: Spiritual needs of geriatric hospitalized patients and the associations with depressive symptoms and pain intensity: a cross-sectional study in Belgium. Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging 2021; 34: 245-267;
Sturm N, Stolz R, Schalhorn F, Valentini J, Krisam J, Frick E, Mächler R, Szecsenyi J, Straßner C. Self-Efficacy, Social
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Stripp TK, Büssing A, Wehberg S, Andersen HS, Kørup AK, Pedersen HF, Søndergaard J, Hvidt NC: Measuring Spiritual Needs in secular society: Validation and clinimetric properties of the Danish 20-item Spiritual Needs Questionnaire 2022; 61: 3542–3565;
Maier K, Konaszewski K, Skalski SB, Büssing A, Surzykiewicz J: Spiritual needs, religious coping and mental wellbeing: a cross-sectional study among migrants and refugees in Germany. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2022, 19, 3415.
Büssing A, Scheer K, Tewes M, Niesert W, Büntzel J, Rentschler: Erfassung existenzieller und spiritueller Bedürfnisse in der palliativen Betreuung – Erste Erkenntnisse zur Implementierung des Spiritual Needs Screeners. Spiritual Care 2022; 11(3): 278–281.
Stripp TA, Wehberg S, Büssing A, Søndergaard J, Balboni TA, VanderWeele TJ, Hvidt NC: Spiritual needs in Denmark: A population-based cross-sectional survey linked to Danish national registers. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe 2023;
Büssing A, Koenig HG: Spiritual Needs of Patients with Chronic Diseases. Religions 2010; 1: 18-27.
Seddigh R, Keshavarz-Akhlaghi AA, Azarnik S: Questionnaires Measuring Patients' Spiritual Needs: A Narrative Literature Review. Iran J Psychiatry Behav Sci. 2016; 10: e4011. doi: 10.17795/ijpbs-4011.
Nissen RD, Falkø E, Toudal DV, Assing-Hvidt E, Büssing A, Søndergaard J, Walin JA, Hvidt NC: The Catalogue of Spiritual Care Instruments: A scoping review. Religions 2020; 11: 252.
Büssing A (ed.) Spiritual Needs in Research and Practice. The Spiritual Needs Questionnaire as a Global Resource for Health and Social Care. Cham: Pelgrave McMillan (2021) ISBN 978-3-030-70138-3